Life out of lockdown

 Well life out of lockdown has been very busy indeed!  

Back to seeing family and friends, back to work and back to feeling like life is a bit more normal or as normal as it can feel with  some restrictions still in place.  At times I miss the slow pace of life we got used to but feeling  a  little bit of craziness creeping back in doesn't feel too bad.   Initially it felt a bit strange being out and about when we have spent so much time hiding ourselves away not wanting to be around others but the more I have pushed myself to get out the better I feel or more at ease I feel about it. Talking to friends and the general public  I meet through work have also said the same thing, it has taken some of them a little longer to venture out but that is ok as we aren't going back. Moving forward has never felt so good!

So here are a few things I have done in the last few weeks-

Mandarin Marshmallow
Had some wonderfully tasting food at Citrico

Received a beautiful new doll from AniO X 

Been out to see some funky wall art at Wolf and Swill and also ate some superb tasting pizzas at the same time.

And while visiting my mother. found some  little creative  things I made many moons ago.

I have still been watching a bit too much tv in my down time at home but some routines are just to hard to break. At the moment it is You..........slighty creepy but I can believe there are some peeps just like that wondering around out there, scary isn't it!!

On that note will leave you 

Angelique xx


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